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Training: 123 Magic Parenting Course, Stanwell

This 5 week parenting course could help you to manage the behaviour of your children, especially those living with ADHD traits


Mondays from 20th February to 20th March, 6.30pm-8.30pm


Stanwell Family Centre, Hadrian Way, Stanwell TW19 7HE

Our Family Mentoring team and the Stanwell Family Centre are hosting a 1-2-3 Magic parenting course over five weeks in February and March.

The Magic programme offers a simple and gentle-but-firm approach to managing the behaviour of 2 to 12 year olds, specifically children who have ADHD traits or with a ADHD diagnosis

Come and learn how to effectively use a toolkit of strategies to help strengthen your relationship with your children and encourage positive behaviour by using praise and consistent boundaries,

Contact: for more information. or call : 01784 241407

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