As the Grass and Air blog says, walking is great exercise!
And, according to the NHS, it is the “the miracle we’ve always had, but for too long we’ve neglected to take our recommended dose.”
Walking can help to strengthen children’s muscles and bones, with the muscles used while walking including those in your glutes, thighs and calves, as well as your abdominal muscles.
It can also improve everyone’s mood. When you exercise, your body produces feel-good endorphins, so as well as keeping the whole family physically fit, walking regularly helps to improve everyone’s mental wellbeing too. According to the mental health charity Mind, exercising outdoors has lots of positive effects including improving your mood, reducing feelings of stress or anger, and boosting your confidence and self-esteem.
Walking can also help you all sleep better. Many parents become slightly obsessed with sleep, how to get more of it, and how to help their children drop off quicker in the evening. The good news is that, according to the Sleep Foundation, aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, is one of the best types of exercise to promote higher-quality sleep.
Walking outdoors can encourage children to appreciate nature. The National Trust recently published research showing that children were more likely to report feeling happy if they had a higher level of connection to nature. It also found that people who made small everyday connections with nature, such as smelling wildflowers, were more likely to take actions to protect it. So, encourage your kids to pay attention to the natural world around you while you’re out and about, whether it’s listening to birds, spotting flowers or looking up at the shapes of the clouds.
Walking can also give you uninterrupted family time, with no screens or distractions from school or work, walking with the kids is a great opportunity to spend some quality time together and the chance to learn something new
So sign up to our Family Nature Walk, improve your families mental and physical wellbeing and support local vulnerable people. More information can be found here.