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Tranquility is back!

The weather is getting warmer and we are back in our favourite place - on the water! All aboard our fantastic wellbeing boat, Tranquility!

Are you looking for a special extracurricular or reward activity for your group? Or an engaging team-building or motivational activity for your organisation? Maybe, you’re looking for the chance to volunteer and support your community and the environment. Well Swingbridge Tranquility’s trips and activities are for you!

Moored at Dapdune Wharf in Guildford, Tranquility has been specifically adapted with a wheelchair lift making it fully accessible for people with limited mobility to enjoy a morning or afternoon on the water.

We also offer courses leading to National Community Boats Association qualifications and our own courses designed to improve confidence and skills.

So, if this sounds like something you or others might enjoy, get in touch today!

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