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Outside & Active Courses

Are you struggling with your mental health? Our free, 12 week Outside & Active courses could help you find the support you need.

Anyone, at any age, can struggle with their mental health.

Difficult relationships, struggles with school or employment, past traumas, bullying, living with challenges like ASD or ADHD, or more physical needs can lead to feelings of anxiety, isolation, low confidence, and even intrusive thoughts and self harm.

Evidence shows that working with others who are experiencing similar challenges, making new friendships, and building support networks can significantly help people to improve their mental wellbeing. Being outside in the natural world can also have a huge positive impact.

This is why we have developed Outside & Active courses: 12 weeks of ‘Nurture through Nature‘ activities tailored to people’s interests and designed to encourage friendships, build confidence, and reduce anxiety. The courses provide positive experiences, even for young people who usually struggle to engage with others. This helps to build confidence, grow a sense of achievement and self-worth, and make new friends.

During each course, at a dedicated outdoor location, our expert staff and trained volunteers support groups of up to 8 to take part in supported, structured activities and group work. Pursuits include: nature trips conservation or forest school type activities gardening or craft activities animal experiences water-based sporting activities such as paddle boarding or boat handling.

Courses are open to anyone (including groups) who are struggling with their mental health, but in particular:

  • Children struggling with the transition from Year 6 to 7
  • KS3/4 students struggling with poor mental health that leads to school avoidance
  • Young people up to the age of 30 who are (or are at risk of becoming) Not in Education, Employment or Training
  • Care leavers
  • People with disabilities and further support needs
  • People living with long term unemployment

Currently, O&A courses take place at our Gateway Community Allotment in Reigate, with new locations across the county planned.

Contact Milly O’Ryan on 07706 338249 to find out more.


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Helping young people to improve their mental health by getting outdoors and active!

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