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Not in Surrey, not to me.

We estimate that over the next year, 1,000 young people and their families across Surrey will need our support to help them with challenges that if unresolved could have catastrophic and long-lasting consequences.

With your support we can match trained volunteer mentors to provide the long term support they need to manage their situation and work towards a positive future.

Without such support many face a life struggling alone with issues such as: parenting a child with specific needs, domestic abuse, low educational achievement, unemployment, or crime.

A gift of £10 today means we could provide:

  • a volunteer mentor’s monthly phone costs, helping them provide consistent personal support to a vulnerable family
  • provide 1 hour of training to ensure a mentor can support a family
  • an experienced coordinator to support the volunteer and family as they work towards a more positive future

Thank you for helping us at this time, your support is very much appreciated.

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Holly's progress was amazing. She went from coming in to see me in floods of tears to a very confident person who stood up tall and proud of herself.

"Thank you for all the advice and support over the last year, our family can now go from strength to strength on a new path"